7 september 2024
Första återfyndet
En av 2024 års utsläppta ungar blir observerad i Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. Foto: Miguel Angel Hernandez
7 september 2024
Birdlife Sverige och Nordens Ark vill rädda den sydliga kärrsnäppan i ett projekt finasierat av Svenska Postkodlotteriet
23 January 2024
Anuual report for 2023
In 2023, the project really took off and in the annual report you can read about what we achieved during the past year.
23 January 2024
Birdlife Sverige och Nordens Ark vill rädda den sydliga kärrsnäppan i ett projekt finasierat av Svenska Postkodlotteriet
14 juni 2023
Projektets första ungar släpps ut
For the first time in Sweden, "headstarted" birds have been released into the wild, in a collaboration between Nordens Ark and BirdLife Sweden. There are four litters of the endangered subspecies southern dunlin that have been raised at Ottenby on Öland in an attempt to increase the number of individuals in the wild.
14 juni 2023
June 2022
Research trip to England
Nordens Arks’ Emma Nygren and Dick Liljegren travel to England to learn how nature organisations there work with headstarting on different wading birds. Important knowledge from their practised methods and achievements is brought back to Sweden.
June 2022
May 2022
The first survey conducted
The work to save the southern dunlin begins with conducting a census at the Schäferi meadows in Ottenby on Öland.
May 2022
March 7 2022
The launch of the project
The Swedish Postcode Lottery surprised Nordens Ark and BirdLife Sverige with the good news that our joint Dream Project had been approved. 13.2 million kronor was awarded to save this endangered species and its habitat.
March 7 2022

#projektsydligkärrsnäppa #sydligkärrsnäppa #nordensark #birdlifesverige #calidrisalpinaschinzii #balticdunlins #postkodlotteriet #postkodeffekten

The last stand for the southern dunlin
With financial support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery

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