To save a species

The Southern Dunlin Project is a comprehensive project to save one of Sweden’s most endangered birds.

Project news

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With support from

A major conservation project such as this requires a lot of co-operation.

Together for biodiversity

Today, the southern dunlin is one of Sweden’s most endangered birds. Nordens Ark and BirdLife Sverige are working together in this project which is being financed by Postkodlotteriet (the Swedish Postcode Lottery). We want to save the southern dunlin by:


Follow our work in the project from the start up to today.

Report your sightings

You can help us make a difference. Help us by reporting your observations of southern dunlins.

What do we mean by “last stand”?

If the species disappears…

The Southern Dunlin Project Team

Mia Ericsson

Head of the Project department
BirdLife Sweden

Mia has many years’ experience as a project leader, from her own research projects and within BirdLife Sverige. Mia is a biologist who, apart from her interest in the southern dunlin, is fascinated by wildfowl and red-necked phalaropes.

Emma Nygren

Head of Conservation Programmes
Nordens Ark

Emma is responsible for Nordens Ark’s various conservation projects both national and international. Emma has many years’ experience as a project leader and leads Nordens Ark’s part of the Southern Dunlin Project. She is passionate about the conservation of endangered species, from small insects to large tigers.

Mattias Ullman

Project leader
BirdLife Sweden

Mattias has previously worked with the spring survey of waders, including the southern dunlin, in Skåne for more than 10 years and works in the autumn as the migration counter in Falsterbo, as a part of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental supervision. Mattias has a fervent interest in waders, migration counts, bird identification and travel.

Dick 1080

Dick Liljegren

Rearing and releasing
Nordens Ark

Dick has worked at Nordens Ark rearing Swedish birds for conservation purposes for more than 20 years. These include peregrine falcons, white-backed woodpeckers, white storks and lesser white-fronted geese. Dick has previously worked in the field with nesting studies of common sandpipers, and he is delighted to be working with wading birds again.

Linn Månsson

Project coordinator
Nordens Ark

Linn is a recently qualified biologist and has a great interest in animals and nature where her great passion is working to protect endangered species. In addition to southern dunlin, Linn has an interest in marine biology and has previously worked with sharks in South Africa.

Eleonor Karlsson

Project coordinator
Birdlife Sweden
Eleonor has previously engaged in surveying and ringing in parallel with her biologist studies. As a former project worker at the County Administrative Board's nature conservation unit in Kalmar County, she has a significant insight into the preservation of valuable nature. Eleonor is passionate about biodiversity and especially the teeming bird life of the Öland wetlands.

Marie Mattsson

Communication coordinator
Nordens Ark

Marie is involved with animals and nature inside and outside of her work and has worked with everything from local governmental conservation efforts to communication projects within nature and environmental research. Something that is especially important to her is raising awareness of the common Swedish wildlife – there is so much to discover in your local area.


Foto: Mikael Arinder

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The last stand for the southern dunlin
With financial support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery

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